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Skin Allergy - Symptoms, Treatment, Test Cost


· skinallergy symptoms,skin allergy

What is Skin Allergy? 

A skin allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the skin to a particularsubstance. The allergic reaction may manifest as allergy rashes or wheals. In skin allergy, having itchy skinis a common occurrence. 

Doctors use the term allergic/atopic dermatitis, allergic eczemaor contact dermatitis while referring to skinallergy. One may experience allergyrashes following exposure to chemicals, perfume sprays, metals or powders.  


Itchy skin is the most common out of all skin allergy symptoms. Also, skin allergy may present othersymptoms like redness and swelling. 

Doctors examine the symptoms to diagnose the specific allergyconditions. 

In atopic dermatitis, there may be oozing from the skin,resulting in crusting, if a patient scratches the affected skin. Skin rash onthe neck, eyelids, or head can occur if an individual is allergic to airbornepollen or fiber. Skin rashes can also arise from food allergies or as areaction to a medicine.  


Detecting the substance causing allergy and to avoid contact forfuture prevention of allergic episodes is a logical start for treatment.Doctors may advise using gloves to avoid contact with allergy-causingsubstances. The usual skin allergy treatment involves the use of antihistamine drugs that treat the symptomsof allergic reactions. 

Antihistamines, steroids, and other remedies like coldcompression helps reduce the urge to scratch. It is better to avoid scratchingthe allergic site as it may result in skin infections. The use of antibioticsand steroids is helpful if the skin allergy also involves an infection.   

Test Cost 

Allergy testing is necessary if an individual cannot detect thecause of allergy by personal observation. Physicians often recommend a skin allergy test to identify theallergen (substances that cause allergy). 

Allergy testing is a complex process that may include patchtesting that involves the application of patches containing different allergenson the skin. An allergic response to a specific substance helps doctorsidentify the allergen. 

Skin allergy test is a blanket term as it may involve a series of test packages. A physician will recommend an appropriate test package after considering thesymptoms. A standard skin allergy package’s cost can range between Rs. 700/- to Rs. 1500/-