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Mammography – Importance, Test Cost

Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women. It can be caused by various factors such as genetics, age, medical history or risk factors like weight,

· Mammography


Breast cancer is the secondmost common type of cancer in women. It can be caused by various factors suchas genetics, age, medical history or risk factors like weight, breast implants, hormone-based prescription, etc. Therefore, it's imperative to get it examined as soon as you see any unusual changes in your breast,such as lump formation, discharge, thickening or dimpling of breast skin, pain, redness, rashes, irritation and swelling. Breast cancer examination is doneusing mammography which is a safe diagnostic test.   

What is Mammography?   

Mammography is a specialized procedure that uses alow dose of X-ray to examine the breast tissues in females for cancer, cystsand tumours. The X-ray image of the breast is known as a mammogram.    

A digital mammography offers enhanced breast imaging. In this,the X-ray film is replaced by a solid-phase detector that converts radiationsto electrical signals. It uses electronic images that can be improvised with computer technology and transmitted electronically when remote access to mammograms is needed.    


Mammography services provided by many hospitals and diagnosticcentres can be bifurcated into:   

● Screeningmammography, which is a routine checkup to detect changesin women's breasts even without any cancer symptoms. 

Diagnostic mammography, on the otherhand, is used to examine unusual changes in women with breast pain, lumps etc.This type of mammography is also done in women who have breast implants.          

Test Cost    

The mammography test cost in India varies. On an average, regularmammography can cost anything between INR 1500 to INR 2000. In the case ofdigital mammography, this cost can go up to INR 8000.