Are you planning to run the 5k or 10k marathon next month? If yes, you mustconcentrate on a proper runner’s diet to not embarrass yourself in front of others! That being said, there’s nothing much you need to do but tweak your healthy diet a little, and you are good to go!
Here’s the complete plan to get you going!
Thisnutrition plan primarily relies on the fact that food is our savior. Well, theprotein shakes, energy drinks, and gels will be helpful on D-day; however, to build stamina, traditional food choices must be embraced to make your body stronger from within.
Low-intensity Training Days
Forlow-intensity training days, try to reduce the carbs in the meal because youdon’t need them much for the boost. Instead, go with the necessary proteins, healthy fats, mixed vegetables, and selective fruit toppings.
Moderately Strong Training Days
As youincrease the intensity of training, reduce the fats and improve thecarbohydrate content. Before one or two hours of the training session, have some carbohydrates and protein combinations to compile the best food for running.
High-intensity Training Days
Havingthe right kind of carbohydrates is the deal! Having good mid-afternoon andmid-morning meals with appropriate carbohydrate content is essential; it will increase your stamina for the whole day and make your body ready for high-intensity sprints. Moreover, ensure to stay thoroughly hydrated so thatyou do not get worn out easily.
Exercise Nutrition Plan for Runners
The best diet for runners is the one thatsuits their bodies and will differ from person to person and also each day. Itdepends on the intensity of your workout on your schedule. Is gender a factor? Of course, it is! Here’s a generalized chart that you can take as a reference.
Thetimings of the meals depend on your workout schedule. It is the standard typeof diet plan that every beginner can use. But if you’ve reached a stage where you need change, ensure to listen to your body’s needs.
The Food on the Plate
Theright kind of carbohydrates for the runners are—whole grains, cereal, bread,normal milk, legumes, gluten-free grains such as quinoa, corn, and brown rice. If you are taking the occasional sugars, then opt for natural fruits rather than sweet bars.
Theright kind of proteins would depend on the body weight. If a runner weighs 180pounds, he/she should consume proteins in 120–180 grams. You can get them from nuts, eggs, and soy milk. If you take protein shakes, don’t entirely depend on that.
Try tokeep your meal plate colorful with a balanced diet so that your basic needs arefulfilled. A full meal is always the one that keeps you strong physically and mentally.